Sunday, July 14, 2013

no SPACE like home

VOGUE copyright Conde Nast
© 2013
© 2013 KM Fikes
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation.

Loyal readers will be familiar with one's affectionate Bard affiliation.  We commence with tonight's tweet by Jahvaris Fulton, brother of the late Trayvon Martin, quoting Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene 1:  

 "Et tu, America?"

Rollin' H2Omeloncholy- spoken in Latin, a dead or post-language, with its roots still deep in every other verbal or written word and fleeting thought.  STEM ed could not be more crucial?  Agreed and with quite the vigorous nod.  What, yo, what, howeva, of Truth2Power poetry - ostensibly, that brass key ring interlocking the inscrutably engraved stem of the Holy 'the' table...spilled... alongside yon melon-severing Sword-In-space-debris-Stone?  

This utopian tongue is the post-literacy of interstellar linguistics.  Pre-welcome to our post-future:

                                                                                                                                      creative commons 3.0

The question tonight by many post-black parents is summarized in another question:  "Where?"

Where to raise post-black boys?  Where might their growing limbs inhabit the post-privilege of free movement?

The towering, electrocuting, Skittle-spattering 'posts' that configure gated communities are no longer a viable option.  From 'state' of Stand Yo' Ground, heading north up the Eastern seaboard, Stop n' Frisk wipes another, major metropolis off the map of post-safety zones.  Out West, if one's name is Oscar Grant **, riding BART is seriously ill-advised.  If one's name is President Evo Maroles, flying a plane in European skyways comes at a risk too costly for calculation - and difficult to compute minus an advanced STEM curriculum.  

Look ye, my good peops, not then, past the clouds, but beyond the moon.  It is there, on another planet, where we can plant an organic, bio-ethical, H2Omelon patch on the outskirts of the idyllic hamlet that is POSTopia.  The former typography suggests water - once - on the red planet.  Mars is named - incidentally - for the mythological god of war and guardian of agriculture.  Is POSTopia not a beacon of illusory governance - far less verifiable than our capacity to successfully harvest Martian polar icecaps? 

Granted, for the lay enthusiast-astronaut, astronomers have warned of the radiation levels of space travel.  Frankly, one day of radiation exposure in Mars' atmosphere might not be best researched in any experimental environment imagined by NASA private-sponsored 'space' tourism.  Lest one's astral ignorance utter conjecture.  Yet, an array of inhumane petri dishes are already before us - rich in 'cultures'.  In nonsensical order of atrocities?  Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Meanwhile, in nonsensical order of arguable neglect?  Chernobyl and Fukushima.

Long term or post-effects - most likely - concern the physiology of the average, XY chromo terrestrial of post-descent.  Notably, Japan is maliciously represented amongst nuclear disasters.  Still, generally, post-research prefers 'subjects' representative of POSTnessity.  In post-speak?  We no longer see ethnicity; it just don't matter.  POSTness is the politics of No Diff.  And there be sumi'n to that.  

Might radioactive 'danger' - in transit to and once upon the surface of Mars - be tantamount to hoodied-teen-black bodies walking on potentially lethal 'Merican concrete?  As Shakespeare explored the craters of tragic plot, his Elizabethan-staged neighborhood watchman was - also - the Grim Reaper.  When his quill hit page, Will needed only to pick his poison.  Middle...Meddle...Mortal Passage.

A midsummer nightmare finds bourgeois gentlesoulfolk in the midst of sewing family names atop underwear labels for the next few weeks at camp.  For those of you - fortuitous enuf - to have chosen a NASA program over 'protected' forests, we beseech thy families use this time wisely.  Ain't no longer an enrichment antidote.  In dire earnest, approach this timely opp as prep for the sonic boom departure of our sons.  

And let us think of another term other than 'colonization' for their Mars sojourn.  That mentality is how we wound up here in the first place.  Where are we - as it seems increasingly challenging to know?  The Martin family?  Heavy - albeit poised in grief.  Their nation?  Weightless - in post-predicament with a black (w)hole at our back.

** The hypothesis of H2Omeloncholy is continually proven thru synchronicity - with a heightened affinity for life as art and visa versa.  The 'trial' decision is delivered upon the opening week-end of FRUIT.  Nope, not a new Farmer's Market locale with certified organic, prize-winning melon.  One writes of Fruitvale Station, a 'certified' or prize-winning film. 

a clever as compassionate critique
on the implausibility of

Til our next 'post', feast upon produce in season...

© 2013 KM Fikes 
© 2013 
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation.

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