Wednesday, August 7, 2013

hell's angles

VOGUE copyright Conde Nast
© 2013
© 2013 KM Fikes
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation.
                                                                                                                                                        © United Artist

Granted, gentlesouldfolk, to respect the present topic, one could have angled a graphic of some geometric theorem.  It could have been accompanied by a photo of a Hell's Angel's leather jacket, upon the motorcycle enthusiast and/or gang banger, revving his/her engine.  Seemingly unrelated here - save the title - imaging a 1930's Howard Hughes' film, starring Jean Harlow, still manages to feel less absurd than a motorcycle safety bill with abortion edits riding b-tch.  Besides, yo, catch the 'color'?  Vibe with that energy of the flames at feminine feet.  The fluidity of her likely, bias-cut gown is an eerie precursor to our blog's background.  No angles, just XX chromo curves.  Alas, would that Image was all.

Hell's angels a-n-g-l-e-s.  Enuf to toss the spectrum's prism for a trapezoid.  Call it a post-angle moment wherein angles are no longer sharp and have exhausted themselves past relevancy.  In circles, we go.  North Carolinian Republican representatives initially used a bill to ban Sharia law (HB 695) as a cover for abortion provisions.  O-tay...the audacity to address the 'threat' of Sharia 'Merica?  Frank Kapra meet Franz Kafka.  Perhaps, Mr. Smith's trek to Washington is an improvised two-act in theatre of the absurd.  

Realizing - as much as reality's faint, solar ray can peek thru surreal clouds - that another bill might prove mo' cogent on a gubernatorial desk, (SB 353) motorcycle safety proposals 'fit (beg thy pardon) the bill'.

The game, Telephone, is played amongst children - dependent citizens, not of age, deemed ineligible to vote due to lack of judicial maturity.  The adult facilitator of the game will often emphasize the impact of gossip in community.  Whether a singular word or complex sentence, the original message that launches the game is usually, hardly recognizable.  No longer a flimsy whisper at the mercy of intimate exchange, it is an utterance - out there - instructive in its warped state.  This analogy is merely suggestive.  Despite the vacancy of our comment section (eh-hem...), H2Omeloncholy™ remains an interactive blog.  One concedes to your esteemed judgment as to whether Telephone, the sport, might indeed be applicable to North Carolina's mode of drafting legislation.

How can such a polarizing issue - if ye will - soaring hawk of our cultural wars, be justifiably relegated to POST or after-thought when put to a vote...for Sharia law or the efficacy of a motorcycle helmet?  One understands the 'down low' of it all - the underhanded anti-logic to avoid open discourse.  The defense of one's beliefs is generally a welcomed opportunity amongst those for whom their ethics are a professional exercise. 

H2Omeloncholy - as hypothesis, with blog as test - is an attempt to articulate that visceral undercurrent which creates the intention that becomes Activism.  What permeates our ether - informing thought and spurring events - yet alludes speech?  And why?  How meaning gets mired in subterranean consciousness.  Decoding that space or plane, in order to untie the tongue, (hard)drives each posting.

What, my good peops, of mouths chalked full to nigh choke?  Examples are too prevalent in the latest abortion bills from North Carolina.  This - from a state that inspired one of James Taylor's finest, artistic hours and produced two Stephen Colbert-s - both creator and character.  (Colbert is actually a South Carolinian but why sacrifice that last sentence for post-pesky logistics?)  From late-night satire to early-ed lit:  Stuffing any legislative bill with Wilbur's 'pork' and Charlotte's webbed messages wins no ribbons and fairs badly.  There are few subjects assured to illicit passion, as immediate as intense, on either side, as abortion.  Curiously, these bills - too - are proof of H2Omeloncholy's veracity.  Even sum'in as arguably elusive as 'Inclusion' can be perverted so.  Absence can be the oddest synonym for pedagogy as 'principled' policy; both are equally void of autonomy.  

The bureaucratic subterfuge - of established abortion rights - has been busy as of late.  Walmart prices rollback at a slower pace.  Nevadaless, the advocates occupation with skeptical means may insult their own, apparent aim.  Where - in the thick of that muck - is a fetus sovereign?  This subversion of egalitarianism assumes it is heading towards its respective state capitols.  However, the lack of transparency, i. e., reverence for a bill - itself, dog-ears a sacred, social contract and sets it to far lesser song than the iconic cartoon of School House Rock

If such tactics are counter to the morality - professed as the seat of said debate - might such machinations send these efforts straight to a hell of hypocrisy in a melon-red, lined hand basket?  To slaughter another idiom:  The road to hell is paved with post-Roe (v. Wade) intentions.  When our legislative process is openly manipulated to close discussion - essential to the maintenance of democracy - cowardice becomes constitutional.  Yet again.  The Fourteenth Amendment redressed that most egregious error.  Where, oh, where done gone that teachable moment?  Pointedly, the following does not link the abolition of slavery with abortion rights.  Rather, one questions the integrity of those privileged to be chosen to write law.  If they possess the courage, let alone, confidence of their convictions for any issue of governance, such should be clearly reflected in the political process.  There can then be no affront.  Instead, standing tall equates a positionality front and center.  Is abortion 'pork' to ride b-tch or ride the coattails of what The Framers intended a bill to express or achieve?  

Theory of String?  Straight lines, homez, straight-up.  Sure, you've got your standard points, dualities, even angular momentum.  M-theory - reportedly named for "membrane"(though c'mon, we know dem physicists meant 'melon') - plucks those theoretical strings into eleven dimensions.  Quite a few quantum twists and/or turns.  

Yet n' still?  Ain't the same as working the hell outta angles.  

a clever as compassionate critique
on the implausibility of

Til our next 'post', feast upon produce in season...

© 2013 KM Fikes 
© 2013 
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation.

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