Friday, January 8, 2021

bread of Wonder

VOGUE copyright Conde Nast
© 2021
© 2021 KM Fikes

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation.

© Flower Foods

Pray thy pardon, my good peops. The following exercise is too exhausted to differentiate the poli-correct particulars within the following dare of a declaration: whiteness cannot harm whiteness.  

For the duration of this thought piece, one shall endeavor a compassionately critical expression of "whiteness".  Gentlesoulfolk, "whiteness" may appear here ad nauseum and when so, one will be referencing white supremacy as the trunk from which its twisted branch of white priv extends.  Emphatically, one dost not nor wouldst ne'er e'er indict any ethnicity upon Earth or upon planets yet detected.  Doing so would render one's raison d'être obsolete.  Quite contraire, one examines that specific as peculiar moment or societal 'phenomena' for curated assimilation of immigrants - once far enough from the legacy of valiant fleeing from famine-ed Ireland, war-torn Poland, on n' on - who inadvertently abdicated that rich complexity within nutrients of their ancestral daily bread.  

Recipe for said dietary demotion?  Commodified, ova-processed, empty-caloric white loaves so aptly named, Wonder.  Ay, let the packaging 'wonder' whilst citizenry - inconspicuously consumptive - 'rests'.  

For two days now, one has listened most intently to the outcry over the Capitol police response.  Many have noted the contrast to militarized 'preparation' for Water Protectors at Standing Rock or Black Lives Matter peaceful activists in...[pick a city...any city].  So much doughy Wondering: "Where were the tanks that rolled thru the unarmed neighborhoods of Ferguson?  Oh where?!" 

There will be an investigation, forsooth, led by inept structures.  Monday morn quarterbacking must stamp our latest national erring official.  Alas, the questions will fail in one vital regard; they will not Wonder.  We leave or leaven Wondering to bread.  With life in the balance, twelve jurors may ask questions but they are not legally allowed to Wonder.  Doctoral candidates are trained to deconstruct theory yet - they too - cannot defend their dissertations in Wonder. 

Peanut butter was once our favorite topping for Wonder.  Until so many chillun developed an allergy that 'spreading atop' Wonder was no longer safe.  Wondering has a crust that we find too inconvenient to chew so we cut off the farthest edges of Wondering.  And then take those scraps to the park.  Where pieces of Wondering are broken off to be tossed.  To ducks.  Ignoring postings forbidding said feeding.

Questions come in the form of comparisons underscoring racial disparity.  Wondering, tho'?  Albeit inquisitive by nature, Wondering can muse in statements like: whiteness cannot harm whiteness.

Let the questions collect themselves like cookies in a Mammy-shaped jar next to the breadbox:  How could the Capitol have been breached with unfathomable ease?  Why didn't the Capitol police anticipate the tweets might portend an actuality to defy the tv-stardom-reality that began this democratic debacle?  When did such clarion warnings fall prey to mute buttons like science, truth, and hope?


Whiteness cannot harm whiteness.  

Among the five ultimately sacrificed was a 'life blue'.  42-year-old Iraq War veteran, Officer Brian D. Sicknick, died of head injuries from a fire extinguisher.  Reportedly, pipe bombs, Molotov cocktails, and bullets in the firearms of far-right extremist rioters were all present at the scene - albeit wondrously disengaged.  Ironies can read mo' cruel than seditionist tweets.  The cause of death - to the head - is one of those rare instruments invented to prevent harm by not stoking 'orange' flames. *

Whiteness is (a)becoming.  Not an ethnicity nor identity - so much - but more so a cultural convenience in the form of auto-espousal or 'closed' adoption.  To become.  "Construct" is the term de rigueur, marking the fallacy of category.  A false noun demands interrogation before its other parts of speech unleash.  'Twas that verb smashING Capitol windows and rifle...ING thru Senators' desks - (be)coming to its faux fruition.  To quote Wikipedian-contributed definition consensus:

               "Proofing, also sometimes called final fermentation, is the specific term for allowing                             dough to rise after it has been shaped and before it is baked."

Since whiteness is 'becoming' - to itself - it is flattered by the mirror's proof: a sourdoe-eyed reflection of appeasement policy.  Hence selfies were inevitable from the fallen Sicknick's 'blue' brethren and therefo' should be too redundant to shock da senses.  Terrorists can neither sport MAGA caps nor don the bowl cut of Dylann Roof nor orchestrate mass school shootings from beneath suburban bleachers.  Terrorists - still - look like Middle-Eastern men.  Not the Unibomber, Ted Kszynski, nor Timothy McVeigh, nor the statistical dominance of serial killers plus hate/militia groups.  Because whiteness cannot harm whiteness.  

To be derelict in duty or blatantly incompetent implies doing less than Establishment's protocol.  If one's conviction - to their core - is mutually indoctrinated into a work culture instituting a planetary pathology which perceives threat from a civil demographic (in resistance) - yet not a nigh feral other (in dominance), does that very ism enactment not preserve n' protect an agreed as aggrieved nationally-warped notion of 'order'?  Enforcement accomplished; Status Q...[Anon] maintained.  Perhaps the perversion that is whiteness has lulled its po' self into the delusion that it can walk directly into its own nuclear cloud after an explosion implosion and escape all toxicity.  When whiteness catches this polluted wind on social mediated platforms as bullhorns mapping the bank robber's route, Da State, apparently, cannot be bothered.  Or at least not to a defiant degree that may qualify opposition to oppression.  Its wealth is imagined as infinite where even adverse action manages to hold its reign. Hippocratic Hypocritical Hypochondriacal translations - like Executive-Branched transfers of power -  cannot be surgically precise.  Nevadaless, with almost mystical accuracy, this visceral oath operates as it sirens a discernible alarm that whiteness unto whiteness can: "first, do no harm".  

Because whiteness cannot harm whiteness, Da State literally removes barriers to welcome in extremist mobs Establishment's id.  Troops await reinforcements thus their arrival is greeted with the relief that census takers can no longer provide.  Unscathed by supremacist signs n' signals, comforted by those malnourishing, preservative n' gluten-glutton carbs covered around noonday in a sanctioned meal, Da State heads off to a productive workday with this packed lunch: its main course mashed 'twixt thin slices of Wonder. 

* CORRECTION: A medical examiner has since clarified the cause of death as "natural".  Rioters repeatedly pepper-sprayed Sicknick during the attack; he suffered - allegedly consequently - two thromboembolic strokes.

a clever as compassionate critique 
on the implausibility 
of POSTness

Til our next 'post', feast upon produce in season...

© 2021 KM Fikes 
© 2021 

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation.

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