Friday, June 10, 2022

Caregiving TAKING Cover

 VOGUE copyright Conde Nast

© 2022

© 2022 KM Fikes

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation.

Rooted. Another word for self-possessed. One’s self-possession advocates for child-free and single narratives that do not foster contention with our parenting and coupled counterparts. One roots for the healthiest coupling and/or child-rearing no less than one roots for our inclusion, which must equate less singles stigmatization. One hopes to simply ‘root’. Or try one’s best to do so — for all — within each of our optimal incarnations. A productive as cohesive society needs to promote supportive relating in all dynamics — be they coupled or single or something less defined. Whether we “come together” or are “all together now”, the UK’s authentically jubilant export, that of Beatles’ lyrics, are platinum advice.

In the interest of the collective, one wonders if we should consider direct contradictions in connotations of ‘selfish’ choices — as a presumed result of our singled or coupled status? One does so only with the intention of demonstrating how conventional procreating coupling makes none immune to ‘selfishness’ and may even, inadvertently, in certain instances, promote it. Again, this is by no means a charge that procreating coupling is ‘selfish’ by comparison. One definitively refutes even the notion of comparison here. Instead, one’s interest is in how attitudes - if not implied auras - around procreating coupling might unwittingly create ‘cover’ for ‘selfish’ behaviors. Meanwhile, singles or partnered child-free can remain assumed ‘selfish’, due to mainstreamed poverty of both empathy and enlightenment, for our chosen-solo life. Further, others’ ‘cover’ might be the loose, frayed threads — tangled into inextricable knots — weaving ‘isms’: racism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, marriage fundamentalism, and natalism.

Image by Foundry Co from Pixabay

Speaking of ‘cover’, was one living under a rock? Rather, one should reframe one’s cluelessness, on the following matter, as contentedly living child-free to the extent of a peculiar ignorance. Upon reading of the cause of the 2020 El Dorado Fire, that burned over twenty-two thousand Californian acres from September thru November, one was slack-jawed by the cause: a ‘gender reveal’ party. Forced to type “gender reveal fireworks” into a search engine, one’s ignorance was rudely interrupted by intro to this ‘igniting’ product, sold by various outlets. Yes, it’s a thing. Are ‘gender reveal’ fireworks as commonplace at ‘gender reveal’ fêtes as pink or blue cake Leaves one stumped. There is now actually this adjunct soirée to baby showers of yore. One had no idea of the existence of such affairs and was immediately befuddled. Especially given our calendar year.

Has not the agency of trans, non-binary and/or gender non-confirming space-claiming led to wider awareness? Has cisgendered sensitivity not expanded, beginning to better grasp the harms in the compulsory concept, oppressive gaze, and negatively consequential policies of a gender binary? These pyrotechnic displays — billowing pink or blue smoke — to ‘announce’ gender, seem to express downright regression. This is really happening. No, seriously, it is. Accidental flames are just one way this goes awry.

If the reader needs to gather their common senses, no worries about missing the next sentence. Unlike burning brush, one can pause…

Does take a moment to process: an alleged gender — merely to be assigned at birth, that the new human, themself, has yet to affirm, deny, fuse, or refuse altogether — is actually ‘celebrated’. By way of fire hazard. Signed, sealed, and literally blown up. Should we be more stupefied or horrified at the climate-disastrous entertainment factor? Maybe ‘drought’ regions ain’t just about water. LGBTQIA+ advancement, most unfortunately, can also backfire, as witnessed by twenty states proposing their own version of a Don’t Say Gay bill. Twenty, so far, when there ain’t but fifty. How then, might these oblivious sky rockets — wicks lit upon heteronormative parental ‘anticipation’ — translate to sincere advocacy with/of queer communities?

There is an odd strain of consistency in the practice: homophobic, marriage fundamentalist, natalist. And abuse-enabling. One’s only other reference is the Vatican. They too signal their newest ‘arrival’ thru toxic smoke color. The Sistine Chapel’s chimney releases black smoke while the College of Cardinals vote. When the latest pontiff is elected, the smoke turns ethereal white. Embracing Rome, emerging upon St. Peter's balcony, the fresh Pope waves to his flock. In a frock.

Granted, the unintended El Dorado Fire is a unique example of ‘manifestly-destined’ heteronormative natalism gone every degree of wrong. Predictably as tragically, however, there have been other fires, injuries, and even the rare fatality caused by ‘gender reveal’ stunts. Nonetheless, encouraged parental elation, meeting antiquated as arguably insulting gender assumptions, continues — undeterred. It has spurred an industry that began around 2008 when the originator inspired others. Notably, with increased exposure to gender as a construct, said originator publicly regrets their contribution. Regardless, that fur-singed kitty is outta the Birkin. Presently, ‘expectant’ couples, with successful ‘gender-reveal’ choreographed dynamite, who manage to escape incident — like setting their state ablaze — avoid the ‘selfish’ label auto applied to singles and/or child-free. Contrarily, they are in hyper-procreating bliss, proudly past their senses. Traumatized Labradoodles flee from their explosives detonating as friends and family share the ‘light’ show on their social media platforms. Takes a village. All aglow.

A pyrotechnic village and a racketeering college admissions consultant.

Such was the (prosecuted) case of 2019’s Varsity Blues Scandal, wherein wealthy parents attempted to purchase their kids ‘passage’ into elite universities. The depth of ‘selfishness’ — specifically — though, was not exactly satisfactorily unpacked, for its ‘selfish’ role in rejecting inferred fairness in the college application process. Fair or not, that coveted thick ‘acceptance’ envelope, can place a clear check in the proverbial box, ‘proving’ effective parenting. For those at the edges of our social strata, the accomplishment is one suggestive of sacrifice, discipline, and above all, an ironic ‘exceptionalism’, otherwise denied as inherent to that very ‘edgy’ populous. Was this omission in zeitgeist discourse due to our ether: endemically classist and marriage fundamentalist — in conjunction with natalist? Under the auspices of couples ‘parenting well’, the ripple effects of their ‘selfishness’ can curiously demean the gains of groups on the margins, towards faint allusions to not one but two corresponding institutions: that of upper-middle-class, heteronormative familial structures and that of ivy-leagued higher education.

Trans activism and affirmative action, or some scrap of a hint towards diversity of access — respectively — are nigh dystopically dissed in the above examples of ingratiated family units caught in the act of preserving heteronorms. Both are rather extreme illustrations of the ‘traditional’ nuclear family asserting their privilege to the detriment of the whole. They do lay bare, however, certain ‘perks’ in perception from which ‘other-ed’ communities do not benefit. Heteronormative procreating couples never need consider their ‘natural’ advantage and can take the bias in their favor for granted. Should either exaggerated event— caught grossly exploiting the status quo, on which they unconsciously relied — be excused as anomalies? Or might they be cautionary tales of ‘tradition’ unchecked, hardly balanced, and daresay, lacking ‘critical theorizing’? May shades of this damage - decidedly opaque pink or blue while shading grey - be present in other aspects of heteronormative parenting?

About ‘shades’? Projections. ‘Shade’ in shadows, illusions, myths, story. Engaged as entrenched in serial media humor. How expertly a smile deemed substantive can give ‘cover’. Floating just above. At once, lighter than wafting feathers yet heavier than a sole Sisyphean boulder. We must be holistic in this analysis of the limits of domesticity-denoting-character. None can be spared who would pervert fundamental(ist) beliefs and mores. Eight televised seasons of the fictional Huxtable family (The Cosby Show, 1984–1992), where preceded by an established reputation of child-targeted programming in a popular animation series (Fat Albert, 1972- 1984). Pointedly, best-selling stand-up comedy ruminations surpassed ‘family-friendly’ for family-centered; the primary material was parental musing. Right alongside the creator’s HBCU philanthropy and ardent art patronage, a sitcom became the epitomes symbol for ‘black respectability politics’. The spokesperson for Pudding Pops was known no less than “America’s Dad”. Too preoccupied with misogynoir, the 1965 Moynihan Report, also titled, The Negro Family: The Case For National Action, failed to mention how this cushioning of corresponding institutions could became a veritable down-feathered duvet, stuffed full for a systematic predator. 

‘Cover’ spreads far and wide. How many of these ‘troubled’, young mass shooters have two, yes, white parents who were warned and ignored the signs? Why were said signs discarded? Inadvertently, did they rely on their cultural or societal, racial, and economic privilege as evidence that they are not in crisis? Is that not a unique aspect of ‘selfishness’: when one cannot even recognize the state of their family — in peril — because they feel comfortably ‘sanctioned’ by society? If the coverage of ‘sanction’ might amount to some 'order' of social responsibility, how adept are families at reciprocity when these same families leave — at risk — their local elementary schools, houses of worship, movie theatres, garlic festivals, nightclubs, massage parlors, subways, medical offices, and grocery stores in food deserts? 

One eschews answers. Declarative statements tend to give rise to Moynihanesque pathologies. The above flurry of queries is worthy of complex deliberation. Alas, nuanced contemplation is currently aborted for the convenience of censorship. A Greek chorus may assist here but their dramatized thought bubble popped long ago. Likely pierced by an adolescent mass shooter’s stray bullet. The kind of kid recruited on-line by white nationalists - unbeknownst to his 'ideal' household - while seated at a heteronormative dinner table, as the last progeny left to clear his parents’ plate of a second helping of once-fully-feathered…cooked goose.

At the tail end of November, 2021, just as the holiday season dawned, Oxford High School joined the scroll of mass US shootings. After a Michigan teen slaughtered four fellow students, injuring others, his parents were separately charged. Allegedly, unrestricted gun access collided with clear cries for help, demonstrative of mental distress that alarmed his teachers. Such did not seem to register with either: white wife/mother or white husband/father. Days before his rampage, his parents had ‘gifted’ their son in a scene perhaps reminiscent of that most American of holiday classics, A Christmas Story. Swap out the ‘pink’ bunny cuddling his Red Rider BB gun for a semiautomatic pistol. Prior to their unusual arrest, the married couple had to be found. Neither parent was by their detained son’s side but instead, together, the pair reportedly fled the family home, choosing a commercial building. For ‘cover’. 

Lest one cherry pick from the tree which George Washington never actually chopped. Pointedly, these specific occurrences are on the farthest end of the spectrum of parental neglect. What is notable, however, is a culture creating a climate that skews recognition of various forms of neglecting collective concern — by one family unit — who is favored due to social familiarity. Somehow, neglect — or perhaps, selfishness — manages to disguise itself in the excuse of celebrating arbitrary prenatal categories, striving for scholastic attainment — at any cost, and indulgence in or indoctrination of Second Amendment absolutism as a vacuous rearing right. All mentioned maintain the illusion of not only an antiquated order, kept intact, but the necessity of domestic heteronormative compliance and complicity — in order — to do so.

ENTER: {stage left}: throngs of white, middle-class parents

SETTING: school board meetings

What line do the actors recite on cue? “We don’t want Junior to feel bad about himself”. Might they misinterpret the guise of ‘wholesome’ nuclear families as the ‘whole’ of a citizenry — with themselves as the archetype of a civilization’s nucleus or 'center’? Does this allow a self-centeredness — unable to reference the broader reality where truth of our collective history resides? Somehow, their misguided (‘selfish’, maybe) idea of what should comprise Junior’s self-esteem trumps honesty. How is that not ‘selfish’: attempting to protect him from his history — that of family legacy? How else to learn how to grapple with the fraught ambiguities of his lineage and the potential evolution in reconciliation? Canada, Australia, South Africa, Rwanda, plus every other fountain in a park in Berlin, face their difficult past. Informed, they have the option of inviting generations to be more mindful, daresay, self-possessed citizens who might co-create policy for all. Moreover, some of the books being banned in the US directly complicate heteronormativity — as standard — with welcoming narratives of queer care-giving.

When certain change can frighten dominant citizens’ ‘secure’ sense of family, is their very reaction to this ‘threat’ — to their privileged position — not also, possibly, socially immature as culturally ‘selfish’? Can their discomfort be traced to the fear of their ‘straight’ European-descended ethnicity as no longer the default authority, resulting in less inhabitance of false structural power? If so, and sharing power more democratically is somehow threatening, then are they not admitting that dominance is their preference? Were they not our cis married, parenting neighbors, colleagues, politicians, clergy, et cetera — and instead, youth on the playground, clutching marbles, not roots — how could their culturally-coddled paranoia be surmised as anything other than a form of ‘selfishness’ in need of wiser correction?

Perhaps one of the most difficult tasks, though, is accepting what happens once ‘cover’ is lifted. It reveals. Exposure to what lies beneath, inextricably tangled remnants - the ostensible ‘ish’ of an uprooted ‘self’ - prompts our offer of unsettling albeit adult correction to what others hold dire as dear: their own..all theirs…existential protection.

a clever as compassionate critique 
on the implausibility 
of POSTness

Til our next 'post', feast upon produce in season...

© 2022 KM Fikes 
© 2022 

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation. 

Monday, March 28, 2022

watermelironic haunting

VOGUE copyright Conde Nast

© 2022

© 2022 KM Fikes

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation.

Will Smith...yada, yada...Chris Rock...blah, blah...

Why bother, my good peops?  Because.  This is the second assault on a black body on the Academy Awards stage.  This entire post is dedicated to the first - as it occurred a decade before this blog - committed to all aspects in our culture that may deem to be schemed H2Omeloncholic.  One began to chronicle the quixotic as quotidian 'happenings' of H2Omeloncholy in 2013.  One refers now to the first Oscar assault in 2003.  Arguably, we might consider tonight's assault number three: per inclusion of the egregious offense of the studio, MGM, reportedly drafting the acceptance speech for Hattie McDaniel's Best Supporting Actress 'win' in 1940.  To boot, there is her seating away from from her fellow nominees and co-stars during the ceremony.  As late as WWII, the Academy saw no conflict in placing their award fête at the Ambassador's Cocoanut Grove Nightclub; the Wilshire Boulevard hotel would remain segregated until 1959 - due only to the 'official' end of Californian racial discrimination.  Math, please?  McDaniel received her 'honor' from a locale that required lawful mandate to integrate nineteen years later.  'Public integration' of the following account from nineteen years ago pays no homage.  Howe'er, let us not parse that holistic hostility or atmospheric violence of such stock socio-abuse.  Instead, one remains with 2003's actual physical altercation.  Alas, 'second' assault, tonight's shall be.  

Image Credit:'s empowered editing - Hattie McDaniel, 1940

Gentlesoulfolk, if you traversed the previous paragraph - awaiting clarification?  That is the precise point of penning.  At present.  Altho'?  A haunting is the collision of presence and absence.  If you are hip and thereby haunted enuf to be triggered, I applaud you as much as apologize for even this hint or 'haunt' of reflexive PTSD.  And no, qualifying 'post trauma' is no insensitive exaggeration for this incendiary incident is rife with searing specifics: psychic, ancestral, generational...far past the 2003 assault.  Notably, the Pinkett whole - of a famed hyphenation - is planted in the periphery of this legacy.  Roots rambling...far.  On air.  

Image Credit:

In soil.  In the wilds of evergreen ruffles upon couture ruffles, our lineage was laid bare along 2022's blood-soaked-red carpet entrance to 'the-of-the' front rows.

Image Credit: Mike Coppola - GETTY, Jada Pinkett-Smith in Jean Paul Gaultier

This spring, from the producers of Patriarchy, and the director of Colonial Project, who brought you Misogynoir *, starring award-winning StruckSure, a story comes to the screen that's been haunting souls:

The last census taken before the Civil War cites just under 4 million enslaved persons in the US. Approximately 450,000 Africans were accosted in the transatlantic slave trade.  The population  -  of perceived chattel - grew exponentially, fueling Northern and Southern economy, no longer requiring the treacherous Middle Passage.  Then again?  Did the new Triangle Trade route take the shape of womb?  Black women were breeders  -  breeding with enslaved others and/or systematically violated by 'owners'.  Their offspring were not considered ‘family’ of slave owners but rather property to exist in forced servitude to their ‘relatives’ or be trafficked away from their birth/blood families, to breed elsewhere on unknown plantations.  The fertility of African and African-descended women was essential to ‘trade’ and thus built America.  Those beings that they begot were not legally fully human. Enslaved fertility, then, translated as that of livestock - to be auctioned and inherited. 

This was not deemed rape.  The profitable result was, daresay, embryonic capitalism.  And true to Merican roots, its most trenchant commodities must become entertainment.  Dispensing structural molestation may prove impossible to bear - upon the oppressor's sanity - unless they trick the mind into implementing the height of cruelty as not just supremacist maintenance.  But sport.  Better still?  Theatre - for that certain dramatic or comedic flare.  Best?  Entitlement meeting amusement.

And so it was in the Antebellum South.  And so it was that fateful night in Hollywood, 2003.

Back to Hattie McDaniel's award for 1939's Gone with the Wind.  Officially stamping her role made too much sense as Mericans need that romantic vision of slavery.  So very much.  Almost the epitome of romance - for some - as plantations are still the chosen backdrop for actual weddings of history-averse Millennials.  One oft wonders if they hold their bridal showers at Auschwitz.  

There are slave narratives of trees growing conveniently close together.  One leg of an enslaved woman is tied to one trunk and the get the nightmare, horror, institutional intimidation, domestic terrorism...ya get the (motion)picture.  This unmitigated hell, like lynchings during Sunday church picnics, was recreation.  As silly for some as searing for others.  White men lined up for their turn and white woman had another enslaved woman draw their drapes closed in the 'ladies' parlor.

Wedding photographers poise young couples under these same 'conjoined' trees now - as the first shot to begin their matrimonial sojourn.  And even if this particular bark did not witness a rape nor was exploited as a death chamber with noose, enslaved generations were psychologically tortured, ever aware that learning the alphabet or attempting to flee could mean this same tree - that gave them seconds of shade - sprouted sharpest twigs for lashings.  Any time they got outta 'order'.

We, watching in 2003, were not there.  We, streaming(consciousness) in 2022, were not under said trees nor tied to em - amongst the wilds of ruffles upon cultivated ruffles of evergreen leaves swaying from volatile bows boughs.  

Image Credit: MS McCarthy, GETTY - Oak Alley Plantation, Louisiana - for wedding rental & film production 

Our DNA was there; it will never forget.  And this, one strongly suspects, is why, when discussing the 2003 Oscars with a plethora of black women, from perspectives refreshingly diverse, the reaction seems an eeriest mirror reflection:  

"My stomach dropped".  


"I was nauseated". 


"Felt it in the pit of my stomach."

So many - from vast black views.  Yet one fierce lens thru the roof of an observatory.  All voiced to refract a similar line.  Lining that winds round - low, rumbling, growling.  In that organ designed for digestion.  Atop a uterus of fibroids and astroids.  A shared somatic, if not cosmic, reaction.  Across time and space.  A visceral experience of the assault - encased in television.  Scope.  Ours.  Oh, how the assault was so much more than how she was grabbed and a tongue was forced down her throat.  

The assault was - equally - in the applause, in the awkward laughter, and in ultra acceptance of Oscar exemplar.  Those applause turned our insides.  Out.  Collectively, that residue rendered us ill - from lost memory.  But one actor made a perpetrator's choice; reception by his colleagues - as much as hers - concurred.  Hence, their allegiance - and ethics - were as sealed as "the envelope...po-lease".  

Psychically, our nipps, our clits, the lips between our legs, and those upon our face?  They remember you, Great and Great and Great Grandma.  Our lips know.  Our lips know yours rarely had consent.  Like Hattie denied her own words for her own gratitude or Halle aggressively wiping her mouth in a disgust that even though caught on camera?  It was not seen, not heard, acknowledged nor censured.  Berry's assault - which garnered Oscar ovation - was felt.  In our gut.  Trunks, if ye will.

White women rocked in whicker on porches as black women screamed from 'the Mistress' sons gang raping her.  And S. Sarandon cheered.  One recalls that too.  Most unfortunate because the camera panned the celebrity audience and could have landed on any public figure.  The randomness of her rooting - captured - gives one pause to mention.  She is, nevadaless, 'fair' or not, indelible to the 2003 memory.  

Existential as ethereal, our haunting is the impetus of this post.  Further, the crux of that impetus is finally extrapolating how and why a nausea - palpable as popular - was instantaneously induced.   As ignored.  The memory is now nineteen years of age, making it eligible to vote.  Each detail is as pertinent as those in dream analysis.  The most surreal aspects?  Telling.  Therefo', an unwitting flash of a willfully ignorant by-stander can be no candidate for discrete deletion.  

Sarandon is - inextricably - the 1991 portrayer of Louise, an inferred survivor herself, who lethally intervenes, preventing the rape of Thelma.  Scripted roles, of course, are not reality but I was stunned by this one - outspoken, otherwise, on progressive causes.  For them.  And Iraq.  At that particular juncture, she was quite vocal.  About certain types of warfare.  In Sarandon's 'defense', she did not get what was occurring.  My stomach did; it turned.  I was not alone.  In 2003, she could not identify: Halle Berry's assault on stage nor the countless - of color - at home with sickened stomaches.  Sarandon's 'passage' has had at least some privilege, keeping her 'middle' intact.  Eyesight too, perchance, quite respectfully.  Many, like moi, are medically nearsighted while others are farsighted.  Whilst Colonialism may be no ophthalmological condition, might it possibly be hereditary - wherein its heirs can suffer from selective 'gaze'?  Myopia blurs background and thereby, perhaps, broader context.  In Sarandon's 'defense' - which is genuinely extended here?  That 'defense' is too exhausted by the injustices inflicted upon it so declines to indict one obliviously caught in a camera shot.  Past her, a mass indictment must be leveled on this night - if leveling the 'field' surpasses 'playing'. 

For some time after, perhaps up until Hollywood's appropriation of Tarana Burke's #MeToo, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences framed an Academy winner's/member's assault as their annual ceremony's 'coup'.  No warnings of the sensitive nature of said material but instead bookending an assault with perhaps fast food deals or mattress sales.  ABC/Disney played - on a loop - their prize of a commercial to an upbeat soundtrack.  Currently, to the contrary, 'clutched pearls' seek conversion to handcuffs.  Oscar producers give pause none in asserting the legal term, "battery" as LAPD stands by - whilst their 2022 award presenter declines to press charges.  Now.  Then?  For them, a historic Best Actress coronation in 2002, that dissolved into the vestiges of traditional tragedy in 2003, was spectacle as much as 'free' publicity for future Tinsel Town proms.  Sponsor?  Board of Governors.  

Regarding the black female body thus is standard US practice - in a 'joke' RE: hair loss resulting from auto-immunity or underscored in today's disproportionate maternal mortality rates.  When profit from certain procreation wanes, concern for said wombs precipitously plummets.  Those with womb of historical oppression, poised at career pinnacle, arguably redefining their very professions, are named Beyoncé and the real King Richard's daughter, Serena.  Beyoncé opened this year's Oscars in tribute to tennis pioneering phenoms, Venus and Serena Williams.  Their sister, Isha Price, was an executive producer of and central advisor on the work garnering a nomination - too soon asterisked as an infamous award.  Infamy is not always unconscionable, as should be the shared scares of champion, Williams and star, Beyoncé: when giving birth, both iconoclasts were accosted by institutional medical neglect.  

Halle Berry was thrice accosted that night, nigh two decades removed.  The second affront was in systematic neglect.  Neglect - via institution/system - communicates citizen value.  When one's full humanity is considered, the result is humane response.  Ironically, Academy observers have fashioned their own term, "Oscar snub", denoting a meritorious performance that enough consensus agrees earned acknowledgement not extended.  Alas, there exists no amount of distracting regalia to excuse what should have qualified as admissible evidence morphing toute suite into promotional tool.  'Sensibilities' of those hailed for their talent were not rattled in 2003.  Quite the contrast to how riled up they are at present.  Row after 'row' of Hollywood elite were not appalled; they approved.  When the most acclaimed nod in the affirmative, they abet strike three.  As has been.  Since breasts were fondled on the auction block.  Third blow: a proprietary label practically peels off an iconic statuesque bottle as criminality makes 'their' commercial. 

                                                Image Credit: Amazon                          Image Credit: Fair Use Wiki via                      

Indigenous descendants date this Colonial franchise back to 1492 but editors of The NYTimes choose 1619 for criminality as the premier ad campaign of Yet-a-Nation.  Film had not established itself as a verifiable art form until the technical feat of DW Griffith's Birth of Nation in 1915.  At a pace opposite of pancake-syrup ooze, the landmark movie became propaganda for KKK recruitment.  Theme?  Defense of white woman's 'virtue'.  A dramatic tour de force, the plot of Hollywood's 'founding' flick hinged on the specter of assault.  And yet?   In 2003, this same brand of assault, fact-not-fiction, lead an Academy's highlight real reel of treasured moments.  Thru Oscar's 'gaze' - rather than create a cinematic 'threat' to national security - the same assault was a golden advertisement.  "Battery" was construed as welcome spontaneity to which an audience would be treated - if they tuned in to the most glamorous of global telecasts.  Cue a viewership of bellies unbound, free of knots, to enjoy stove-top popcorn, microwaved buffalo soldier...shoulder wings, or defrosted Southern picnic fare.  'Washed' down, maybe, with the latest iteration of boxed, carbonated mint julep.

Twitter will be broken tonight and tomorrow with quips RE: Jada Pinkett-Smith's 'honor' - at the whim of toxic masculine display, aghast at a Fresh Prince's outburst of violence - in front of 'them' - and/or the incessant Merican obsession with the 'modern' comic's Pilates Reformation of the First Amendment.  Thankfully, less than a week ago, NJ Senator Corey Booker exampled evolved chivalry.  In his words - 2.0 gallantry - centering the next Supreme Court Justice, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson: "No one's stealing my joy".  Meanwhile, the portrayer of Richard Dove Williams, Jr. apologized addressed Da whole damn Room.  A. Brody will never have to do so.  Nor will GOP neocarpetbaggers: Cruz, Hawley, Cotton, or Graham.  Albeit all are haunted, only chosen tummies are unsettled mummies.  The rest wreck the world.  Thus, why would Brody - imposter arborist - nigh contemplate any pardon for his inadvertent advocacy of the wrecking 'order'?  Inflicting triangularly-targeted injury solidified him beyond any Oscar, to archetypal recipient of 'our' Founding Fathers' honorarium.

Image Credit unknown: 
Halle Berry, in Elie Saab gown, envelope in UNSEEN hand, striding towards the podium, to announce the Best Actor, 2003

* "misogynoir" coined by Dr. Moya Bailey

a clever as compassionate critique 
on the implausibility 
of POSTness

Til our next 'post', feast upon produce in season...

© 2022 KM Fikes 
© 2022 

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation. 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Franken 2024

VOGUE copyright Conde Nast

© 2022

© 2022 KM Fikes

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation.

One shares with ye an amusing as remotely advantageous exercise in reverse psychology: a proven effective strategy, equally on toddlers and/or 'freedom-loving' Mericans.  Let us set absurdist ingenuity into motion with a call to Al Franken for President in 2024.  Deploying the following proposed wisest of ruse - he might win.

Mericans are obsessed with certain tired tropes, endeared to the kid who tilts windmills, whilst escaping serious contemplation of the technology to save energy.  The only pastime some deem more enjoyable than dragging a celebrity thru the mud, is hosing em down to note how the mud bath now makes their skin glow.  Rehabilitation is generally welcome.  Re-entry to boot.  As long as the person is not of color, having served prison time for the crime of Mary Jane procurement - which is now, not only legal, yet spurs a new 'green' economy.  After release, they are ironically disenfranchised because returning to society - as a responsible citizen - inexplicably excludes the vote.  But certain othas?  When priv peops rise from the ashes, scars of scandal sinking back into thicker skin, if their reemergence strikes 'us' as contrite enuf a posture, Mericans are inclined to give those kind a minute - not so much with the generosity of a second chance - but a brief window to entertain us with their efforts.  Emphasis on entertainment.  It had better be fun.  

That's just the voter.  Gets better.

Political operatives lean into a bent that aids our purpose here.  Rare is the communal layer of residue that is the regret upon Franken's resignation.  Behind closed doors and even some with blurred signage on their front lawn?  Most admit the error they made with Al.  They manage to proceed in that unique hushed tone of atoned humility.  Few refute that the Dems lost one that they need today - minus the due process that they are sworn to uphold.  With interior décor of an indelible chessboard, Franken's colleagues were pawns.  Haunted by punting for Bill Clinton, confessional shrugs cannot rectify their oops of ill-placed piety.  Oh, but sum'in can: a Franken Presidential run is the ideal remedy.  Daresay?  As flawless 'a fix' as occurs by bluest moons.

And pangs.

This progressive poet having to turn to the Dems is an act registering as worse than defeat.  It seems the greater crime of a lack of imagination. Yet, please, bear with one.  For there may indeed be a creative wrinkle within this un-'woke' stroke of reverse psychology.

Dems, dammit.  The party who should no longer exploit donkeys and choose a mascot more aligned with their conscience: a jellyfish.  Yet that insults jellyfish, who unlike Dems, never extracted their own spine.  Because jellyfish never had a backbone to remove.  Such could be evolutionary, however - as may apply, also - to any political party.

If under-the-sea symbols serve, one happens to be of the 'pearl' ilk: a speck of grain irritating the structural lining whilst becoming one's own jewel.  One dreams of the absurd bubble bursting upon a two-party system that purchased 'the leading' nation.  Each behemoths now, with their own television network as blowhole.  Either is insufferable while inevitably, one holds one's nose, retching back vomit, to vote as a disgruntled default Dem.  The sole dignity remains in one's vacuous title of 'Independent'.  One cheers for The Squid Squad on most matters.  Liz and/or Bernie too.  One remains perplexed, however, as to why the spine of our lovable looney lefties hasn't stacked flesh, bone, and nerve to comprise a digit with knuckle and nail that raises its middle self at the Dems by forming a party reflective of the Dem-repellant Reformation. 

We just don't have that time tho'.  

Biden is...Joe.  Harris?  Black and South Asian.  And not a man.  And we?  As evidenced by school-board-meeting attendance with lit torches and librarians in fetal positions under their desks, we, my gentlesoulfolk, find ourselves smack in the midst of The Backlash.  Any Wonder that its songs are in the key of misogynoir*?  If youth can no longer read Nobel Laureate, the late Toni Morrison, and the conceptualist/curator of the Pulitzer-Prized 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, has 'that' much trouble with academic tenure?  How the bleep can Kamala office it Oval?  Next week, Supreme Court nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, will weather her confirmation Inquisition - where GOP dog whistles are apt to turn a marbled hall into a poop-strewn park.  In her second Georgia gubernatorial run, Stacey Abrams' cameo proves that she has learned the drill.  As is custom in every execution of black ‘excellence’, Star Trek casts black women before any planetary constituency.  Her children's book may be banned but Abrams' scripted role as POTUS 'POUE, President Of United Earth', will - streaming for Paramount Plus - "boldly go" forth.

Welcome to The Backlash.  A reverse.  Seeking psychology.  Unless?  We be crafty.  Let us, counterclockwise, dip ladle and stir cauldron.

Think about Nancy.  Pelosi has a vital role in our scheme of schemes.  Yep, Al will 'seem' to present Nancy Pelosi, and other Dem establishment, with a bit of a pickle.  They cannot publicly support a choice this common sensical.  That very twisting will delight detractors.  Get it now?  This is the whole idea.  If the other side thinks Al makes Nancy squirm?  He's in.  Let them cry 'hypocrite' until they go hoarse, turning their MAGA hats to the back.  

The core of their alter-ethos is the given allowance to thumb their noses.  Thus Al will be their guy.

Then there's Thumbelina Trumpalooza.  Still.  Further proof that entertaining Mericans supersedes leading them/us.  Nixon likely won that debate with Kennedy but Dick sweated too much on camera.  Reagan budget-cut his teeth in Hollywood.  And there was this show on NBC called The Apprentice.  Before that?  Love Boat's 'Gopher' represented Iowa in the House for some stretch.  A Californian recall feels practically quaint that could elect a Terminator.  All Republicans.  'Official' theatrical chops of Democrats have yet to be put to the test so stealthily.  Franken's bona fides bury all of the above.  How many politicians plummet, not even hosting SNL, but attempting the opening skit?  Franken was a lauded SNL writer, for years, who served in the US Senate, for years - absent incident.  Until there was one.  At the absolute inopportune juncture.

One was stumped by those who voted for Trump.  Twice.  And Obama.  Twice.  I repeat: there were/are Mericans with the spellbinding record of voting twice for both.  One's dizzy spell broke once one could accept that some voters have not developed political conviction.  They subscribe to no ideology, hence inhabiting a nebulous purpose, conveniently at the whim of interests oft deceptively against them.  Which is the intended protocol although they pride themselves on being Palinian 'mavericks'.  That is exactly how the system has designed itself to function - under the auspices of a rebellious 'liberty' that is basically reproducing repression.  Theirs.  Capitalists are supposed to obliviously consume.  Ad nauseam with lil' rhyme nor reason.  A more advanced ethic would disrupt Da Colonial Project.  Keep believing the bull and buying bull's merch.  

- White Republican women voted for Trump.  

- White Democrat women would not support Kirsten Gillibrand, citing her cancellation of           Franken. 

- Bernie Bros won't even realize why they are drawn to rally round Franken.  

We can likely count on the valuable innumerable with no trust in pollsters.  Because they think they are him.  They are not.  No more Franken than they are Trump.  Even bombing at an open mic, many manage to continue overestimating their own humor.  Let us, then, not disturb their illusion that they can take to small club stages or local polls.  A humor miscalculation is accompanied by their 'her' concerns.  Inevitably, they have dissed women yet these offenses were/are too quotidian for them to recognize and too numbing for those afflicted to mention.  

Franken was once their worst nightmare: he got caught - empty-handed - and lost his job for far less than they have done or said.  But now?  He's back, baby!  And running for the tit tip-top job.  Franken, thereby, morphs into their fantasy.  They'll support him like bra pushing up boob.  Some won't even know Franken at all - not his past nor his present.  But they will take note of how his candidacy makes white feminists apoplectic and black women roll their eyes.  That reaction is more than enough to garner their favor.  For the record?  Thy blogger is black, female, doesn't roll her eyes nor neck, and only snaps her fingers - whilst sporting shades indoors - as retro applause during poetry readings.  However, one will commit to the practice elsewhere, throughout a Franken run, and impressively feign shock when caught on film doing so.  As a patriot, one will revert to stereotype to stand snap to the (wink, wink) mission.  

FOX NEWS 'man-on-the-street':

"Franken? Nah, I don't know what he stands for.  But he's a good guy who the chicks just don't get.  C'mon already, give the dude a chance to go back to Washington.  Pretty funny too.  'We' could 'all' use a laugh. So why not, Al?  'We've' 'all' said 'our' share of crap.  Doesn't mean 'we're' not good at 'our' 'job'.  #Me Too ruined the good ones - like Tony Robbins said, until the feminists made him apologize.  They've gone too far.  Bringing back Al?  Shows who's boss."

MSNBC 'man-on-the-street':

"Franken?  He was a decent Senator...apparently.  I liked watching him grill a guy.  And the jokes too.  What he did can't be defended.  What, uh, was it, by the way?  Whatever was so bad, he's no Jeffrey Epstein.  I get why some women don't like him running when there hasn't been a woman President yet.  They're right to be pissed.  But he's a comedian.  And a Jew.  Like Zelensky.  He's the 'West's' hero now.  Ya know...maybe that's the trend. 'We' did the black thing - which made us wind up with Trump.  Don't get me wrong.  It was good to try that.  But 'historic' doesn't make 'everyone' happy.  With Franken?  Hey, at least 'the room' will laugh."

Both of these men - on behalf of 'the whole' - will vote.  For Franken.

Almost too easy.  Da Great Reversal needs no rehearsal.  Some U-turns are illegal.  We chance the screech anyway.  Why?  To get where we need to go when time is of the essence.

Eve of spring, 2022.  The midterms sure doom.  Our maps are gerrymandered to the (fish) gills.  Climate refugees rival those of conflict.  Totalitarianism tends to view sovereign nations as its eventual cruise ship buffet.  Eh, estimation.  'Over' for rugged individual humor.  'Under' for international appetite.  The horror in Palestine, Somalia, LibyaYemen Ukraine is matched by its honor - whilst its resistance is mute to the isolated ravenous.  For Vlad, Ukraine may, most respectfully, only be breakfast.  If so?  Who is dinner?  At world peril, do not forget dessert.  Or borders.  Where African students are forcibly delayed on the edge of noble Ukraine.  Please, dear reader, mistake not one's use of "noble" as facetious.  If not for the volatile urgency of exodus, their tactics nigh qualify as tepid.  Ukraine, by kind comparison, is old school in denying a bus seat.  C'mon, been there, done that, still got the boycott 'T': generational Trauma.  Other borders up their ante in Lashin' Back: from horseback, whipping Haitians whilst those same borders cage Columbians fleeing made-in-Merica cartels.  To quote VP Harris - born in Oakland to a father immigrating from Jamaica and a mother immigrating from India: "Don't come."  Meantime?  South Korea just elected a she-averse conservative that North Korea will undoubtedly 'test'.  Cash is increasingly crypto (what the...) and COVID variants ain't hardly over.  Neither is Trump's stranglehold.  Roe (gulp) probably is.  

An absurdist experiment - in the guise of a mental reversal - is no abandonment of 'the cause'.  To be clear, Franken is no 'white savior' slip.  The alleged choice - in appearance, reluctant as ridiculous - could be a clever 'representation' flip.  This counterintuitive exercise buys us time - four to eight years - to wait out The Backlash.  How else to face the hell stench-ed cataclysm in which we find our electoral health hanging by a burning thread?  To woefully misquote MLK:

The arc of the moral much that it boomerangs all over the joint.” **

We are past due to get realistic about our survival.  That 'our' is the priv populous; the marginalized sect never takes for granted the miracle that is our endurance in spite of rule derelict in humanity.  If this is Empire's final lap?  Franken's controversial lip?  Al's got jokes.  Maybe Rome was hedonistic - which can have its charms, when uncontested consent propels mutual pleasure.  Rome's Fall, nevadaless, with lore titillating, lacked equity and hilarity.

Unjustly, this surreal attempt - psychologically reversed - may not redeem Franken's reputation.  Except for some solace in priv's penalty: a US Presidency.  Franken, bright as issue-engaged, correctly calls the late Paul Wellstone his predecessor.  On friendship and mentorship that legit, we can only pause.  Peep Al's podcast - which is not hosted by a fellow who is even contemplating a run.  Too, well, thoughtful in the targeted 'critical' sense, hence dangerously 'frank', set free to be nuanced in that manner avoided by most elected officials.  Further, much of his policies were not far off the 'Dem' mark - whatever and wherever that mark may supposedly be these dire days.  Issue-engagement is complicated by relativity - in the direct presence, distant suggestion, or complex complicity to a hostile atmosphere that is sexual harassment.  One has no idea what personal psychic work followed his defrocking.  One assumes, nonetheless, that he possesses a conscience with which the psychiatric community actually grappled to identify in 2016's Presidential victor.  What one recalls the most is how one actually cannot recall if Franken's bow was more shame-faced swift or resolutely gracious.  Franken was the anti-Cuomo, used to exiting stage left for SNL costume changes in seconds.  Alas, this ain't about Al.  Elections rarely are.  We vote for or against our projections onto candidates.  

Comedians manage to remain a culture's truth-tellers.  Ruefully so when they are transphobic, or just cruel, or both.  Even commodified, our exchange is somehow more honest than that transaction where a poll tax was supposed to be repealed.  Plutocrats fancy themselves as 'court' yet their crowns - crooked - compare not to the heckling tomatoes of the hoi polloi.  Charlatans to harlequins, only the elite touch crown jewels.  Conversely, tomatoes, gone bad, are composted - as adept at yielding to human squeeze as worm crawl.  Shakespeare, with royal benefactors, relied on this power impalance, habitually saving his best lines for the jester.  Da Bard deployed Elizabethan reverse psychology wherein the crown clown delivers.  Never in the position to drop entrenched systems, they twirl a mock scepter with alerting bells, before tossing it.  To then juggle - in a distracting majesty - those otherwise mundane balls of Status Quo.  Albeit satirized down to size, 'order' is kept up in air.  

In addition to an astute as affable podcast, engaging with sophisticated thinkers, Al Franken is presently back on tour.  Each audience is a crucial laboratory.  The shrewdest succeed in the comedy profession by mastering the skill set of reading the zeitgeist - with scepter skewering those consensus of comfort in which 'we' foolishly rest.  The mood remains in flux and the best stay one step ahead of the next subliminal trend in societal expression of 'our' existential angst.  The sole predictability?  Always tragic.  Lone recourse?  Laughter's reprieve.  Thanks to Putin's latest stunt, 'strongmen' will soon be outta style; the everyman will once again be desirable. 

The Reckoning was/is required.  Its premier mistake was its tardiness.  Or rather, 'attention', since Tarana Burke had long been on the case.  Calm.  The force of appropriated fury, shaking in a concealed coddled bottle, could only release past full throttle.  Last line of Langston's REM poem warned ya'll about 'deferment'.  Early on, The Reckoning's hot dam(n) broke.  Too priv-ed to parse, she swallowed - in her 'wake' - Franken's right to defense.  One cares not to google the percentage of lightning striking twice.  Yet?  Might 'our' fateful 'current' 'wash' a white ass ashore, buoyed by Blacklash, unwittingly proving to be the forthright but-t in one of 'our' most fickle moments?

Image Credit: Al Franken as 'Stuart Smalley' on NBC's SNL

With two years left - given the fraught state of our frayed union - it's Al, ya'll.  From the Back.  Lash.  Franken, and his obligatory pale member, are charged with pleasing a fragile demos, keeping a patriarchy, innately perverse, in orgasmic stitches - raucously loud enough to ignore the quiet potential of substantive legislation. 

In his own words - to his own mirror:

                                  "...good enough, smart enough, and doggonit, people..."                                                                                       (might just) "" (voting for) "" 

* "misogynoir" coined by Dr. Moya Bailey 

Stevie Wonder's arguable opus album, Songs in the Key of Life 

** "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

a clever as compassionate critique 
on the implausibility 
of POSTness

Til our next 'post', feast upon produce in season...

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© 2022 

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