Wednesday, August 26, 2020

spelling b--s

VOGUE copyright Conde Nast
© 2020
© 2020 KM Fikes

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation.

© Scripps

Spelling Bee: a One Act in Elegy

ANNOUNCER:  "Your word is WhitePrivilege."

15-YEAR-OLD:  "Pardon...did you say 'privilege'?

ANNOUNCER:  "No.  Your word is WhitePrivilege."

15-YEAR-OLD:  "Would you please use it in a sentence?"

ANNOUNCER:   white privilege...\ˈ(h)wīt  priv-lij \

"According to witness accounts AND video footage, police apparently let the gunman walk past them and leave the scene with a rifle over his shoulder and his hands in the air as members of the crowd were yelling for him to be arrested because he had shot people."

15-YEAR-OLD:  "Part of speech?"

ANNOUNCER: "There is no part of speech; it is a part of existence.  I read not from 
                           Merriam Webster nor Oxford Dictionaries.  Associated Press is a not-for-
                           profit with a Board of Directors.  On that board sits the head of Scripps.  
                           Just a disclaimer there. The AP inadvertently quintessentially defined 
                           WhitePriv thru one sentence, eerily ironically embedded in Groves' and 
                           Bauer's article today titled: 
                           17-year-old arrested after 2 killed during unrest in Kenosha
15-YEAR-OLD:  [pausing long betwixt each letter]  


a clever as compassionate critique 
on the implausibility 
of POSTness

© 2020 KM Fikes 
© 2020 

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Cocktail Labour Parties: with a wedge of melon

VOGUE copyright Conde Nast
© 2020
© 2020 KM Fikes

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation.

Love's Labour's Won.  Lost play of Willy Sh-- or yet another myth-morsel, a gingerly crumb to send Bard devotee-detectives deeper into the forest?

The fact that Won's existence cannot be confirmed registers as more metaphorical than mythological.

Can we 'win'?  Is ethno-existential triumph possible?

According to the musical, The Wiz, its Scarecrow croons an emphatic, "No."

The H2Omeloncholic™ set, howe'er, prefer the question.  Ay, eva, sooth, yon quest. 

Can the Labour Party rule Empire?  Can reparations - promised - atone for the forced labour that built a 'super' power?  Can labour unions resurrect to defend/embolden the working class?  Can the labour of sheltering wives/mothers be equal to their male counterparts - during plague - on the domestic front?  Is the 'gig' economy a labour protected under the law?  What labour is 'essential' and if it be so, where are its essential benefits?  How is the worth of labour determined, who is tasked with such demarcation, and is their impetus ethical exchange thru conscientious compensation?  Within labouring, does the demos collectively rekanize equitable 'efforting' - with means of correction when such dynamics become distorted?  Does such consideration suggest labour's impact is fiscal as much as psychic?  Can the arguable additional emotional labour of peops of color, exhaustively balancing their Du Bois-ian 'doubling' or "twoness", result in qualifiable reward?

One's queries seem to stand not alone.  And nay, one refers not to Marx or other economic theoreticians.  Albeit both red n' pinko-pink scarves are oft artfully tied round one's throat in a Hoxton knot.  Preferring philosophers who masquerade as poets, one does not stand as much as kneel: humbled to keep illustrious company from Langston to Lorraine to PRINCESS of Da Bard's L. L. Lost.  To be lost is generally experienced in isolation of some sort - standing alone.  Less concerned with Western concepts of 'win', one chooses 'found' as the optimum opposite of 'lost' - imagining community.  Thus, one conjures a conversation  - as intimate as of mythic proportion - at a back booth in a bar at the height of 'happy' hour...

                               Does it dry up... 

LORRAINE: a raisin in the sun?


                             [fester like a sore]
                             hard lodging and thin weeds
                                [stink like rotten meat] 
Raining the tears of lamentation

a clever as compassionate critique 
on the implausibility 
of POSTness

Til our next 'post', feast upon produce in season...

© 2020 KM Fikes 
© 2020 

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation.