Monday, November 14, 2016

monday morning melonbacking

VOGUE copyright Conde Nast
© 2016
© 2016 KM Fikes
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation.

2016 NON-VOTER SF Forty-Niner quarterback, Colin Kaepernick's kneeling protest of National Anthem

Dot org.  The most convenient - daresay, cozy armchair - form of protest today.  Enter name; send means solved. is collecting signatures to prompt electors to reflect the popular vote when they convene on December 19 for the Electoral Collage to officially deliver the 2016 Presidenital 'results'.  Secretary Clinton is currently leading as that very 'current' continues to rise in her favor.  According to the National Popular Vote Tracker, as of this Monday, 11/14, Trump's 60,637,350 trails her 61,422,098.

A projected estimate, perhaps, doubles the difference when all is said, done, and counted.  'Projections', though?  My good peops, 'projections' ain't eva befo' been this suspect.  Always kinda deemed 'projection' as some psycho-babble: what we project on others and they conversely project on us.  This projection is oft false - too mired in our biases to see The Other with the clarity required to get down with what be real.  Politics seem to have arrived at a caustic impasse wherein an objective number of votes and subjective, slanted 'gaze' prove sho' sooth synonyms.  This current melee is tantamount to our alien-green Statue of Liberty having a wardrobe malfunction.   

Now, one 'gets' it, my noble gentlesoulfolk.  And how.

How...eva, one also finds this desperate dive across the electoral line - a dot org mea culpa, if ye will - failing to one, sharp degree.  As difficult as this is to type, let alone think, President Ele...(cough, cough)...Elec...(cough), President Elect Trump won.  He won fair n' square.  His supporters deserve their moment.  Many, thy humble blogger included, are presently feeling the identical blow that Obama-detractors experienced upon his win - twice over.  Before the concise triumph of 2008, there was that swingin' Floridian chad.  We ALL failed.  Not acting in November/December of 2000 was a colossal mistake.  Sorta like voting half-way.  Before the stroke of 2001, we should have addressed the archaic, inane Electoral College with more than quaterback-ed, armchair critique.  Same scenario with Gore winning the popular vote by approximately half a million.  We should have ALL insisted then - yes, then - that the popular vote spoke the true will of the demos.  Alas, nope, we did not.  And even allowed a conservative Supreme Court to decide our folly.  'W's first term was selected, not elected.  Gore conceded.  We followed suit but went even further: cursing the Electoral College yet inexplicably leaving it intact to thwart our most basic democratic principle. 

One utterly agrees with every squirm about this dastardly decision.  Nevadaless, when one spies a Confederate flag, one knows (especially as an XX-chromo H2Omeloncholic agent) that at the most, one is supposed to feel threatened, and at the least, insulted.  Contrarily, what really glides thru one's mind?: "You...or your ancestors...lost.  You simply lost.  The Civil War?  Over!  And lost fair n' square.  You are waving the tattered flag of Denial."  The South is not isolated in its refusal to accept reality.  The Obama Administration, in its final year, begins to lift Cuba's embargo.  Phew!  Utterly ridiculous that it lasted so long.  Why?  A proud nation just couldn't accept that we lost the Bay of Pigs.  We lost; we did.  And of all thangs?  To 'them'.  Accept it.  

And accept when we lose because we have been apathetic.  When we don't empathize, we suffer - all of us.  The Dem donkeys forgot to empathize with white angst - created from blue-stated NAFTA that neighed loud, decimating manufacturing employment.  This moment is pin-to-needle painful but one must wonder if the progressive e-fight isn't whining the day after.  We agreed to these dysfunctional terms of electing officials by a broken system.  A call for its o'erhaul?  Before, homezgentry, not after.  We are stuck finding some way to respect the choice of that otherwise silent, if not media-silenced, electorate whose victory lap has been earned (gulped) honestly.  Maybe the only honesty in this whole debacle of democracy. 

Ay so, yo, let's frack the "crooked Hills" comprising an election apparatus that breeds barbaric results. The fix is in.  In order.  But let's also not be victimized by some false sense that we are not complicit in this calamity.  Can we consider signing on, 'forwarding', tweeting, liking...and the e-endless like...the heavy-duty soul-searching to do beyond revamping the rules that (sigh) should play out thru December 19?  This particular election cycle is lost.  Gone.  Dammit, lost.  Middle America has a voice that demands being heard.  One hears you, red-light-districted battlegrounds - throwing up a bit in one's mouth.  No, yours is not the popular choice and she won by an even larger margin than Gore.  Yet n' still?  Da most maddening of FACTS?  Not one who participated in this process is immune from responsibility.  Albeit errors can - and when appropriate - should be corrected, the highest retribution might well be the difficulty of dire reflection.  Prior to the coming revolution.

Shakespeare always says it best and proves no less in Caesar:
                                         “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars (or even electoral joke) 
                                          But in ourselves"

a clever as compassionate critique
on the implausibility of

Til our next 'post', feast upon produce in season...

© 2016 KM Fikes 
© 2016 

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes & with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  No excerpt or link may be used for monetary compensation.