VOGUE copyright Conde Nast
© 2013 h2omeloncholy@blogspot.com
© 2013 KM Fikes
use and/or duplication of this material without express and written
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autonomy au ton o my noun \ȯ-ˈtä-nə-mē\
H2Omeloncholy™ contribution? uh...ton o' ME or a ton of me.
Merriam Webster's say? Autonomy is defined as "self-directing freedom and especially moral independence" and "the quality or state of being self-governing."
Dave Chappelle's former, poignant, comedic offering featured a reoccuring skit entitled, When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong. One could almost qualify them as H2Omeloncholy™ public service announcements.
Speaking of Mr. Chappelle, the alleged conditions spurring his exit from Comedy Central struck one as H2Omeloncholy™ personified. However, this post belongs to Ms. Jeantel.
One writes with a H2Omeloncholic-conflicted stroke of the quill - well, tap of the keys. Ms. Jeantel disdains the spotlight. Irrefutably. In an age of fame as instant as insatiable, her resistance is refreshing. Is it kosher to make her the 'subject' of a post? One will continue to grapple with that efficacy. When one finds the H2Omelon vine, however, with each leaf erect, is one not obligated to blog on? When an infomercial-ed Ginsu knife slices thru race, class, and gender, one turns to you, my good peops. In H2Omeloncholic™ terms, this episode reaches beyond measured wedges plated on the summertime buffet table. It registers on one of those industrial scales at a county fair where the lay farmer's daughter parades mutant 'squash' beyond our scope of comprehension.
After one collects one's thoughts, anticipate another trifecta posting. Um...melon eva marinating...I mean, the selection of an all female, Euro-descended-minus-the-one, mostly maternal jury...C'mon, now - that alone. My good peops, 'tis nevaending!
In the meantime, please relish a fictional collision of autonomy and jurisprudence - compliments of Mr. Chappelle.
Autonomy is a noun. Perhaps its verb equivalent is an Act of Resistance. Are such efforts not autonomy in action? To utilize only what one 'has' at one's disposal is the requisite ingenuity of Protest. Unless one chooses to hunger strike in Guantánamo Bay. Even that intention - the autonomous refusal of the final, basic requirement for subsistence - ceases, under U.S. rule, as an option.
But back to the Bay's neighbor, Florida. In the absence of SE literacy or even will to testify, Ms. Jeantel subverted court etiquette. Somehow, she made that decision - or conscious lack thereof - admirable. That attitude translated as a fierce declaration of dignity - cameras and 'blind' Lady Justice be damned. In the eeriest of ironies, one is tempted to quote Paula Deen's continued defense:
"Is what I is and I'm not changin'."
Although no esquire by trade, never before can one recall so much exposed in legal testimony from those questions not posed and those answers not prompted. All so painfully present but void of voice. The dynamic of the court room cracked open myth number umpteenth: that of automatic inclusiveness for the (w)hole of our populous. Proof? Check it - and by "it"? One points to the consistency with which Jeantel asserted her autonomy. We are left to grapple with each aspect of The Jeantel Effect. Her 'exchange' on the stand speaks eloquently about society on every level. Some cultural levels are strained; others have failed. Copious, accolades, oh, ye melon gods! And one thought one's favorite Rachel was Maddow. Would that Ms. Jeantel's organic exercise of autonomy could possibly frame The discussion, whereva it may - and will - roam. Alas, a H2Omeloncholy™ wish at best.
After viewing Mr. Chappelle's clip, perhaps consider returning here for this post's image. No split gourd, no woman of unverified color, not even the politicized hoodie. Trayvon Martin. Just the boy - never to be man - whom one hopes is not lost in this melon-drenched moment.
1995 - 2012
1995 - 2012
a clever as compassionate critique
on the implausibility of
Til our next 'post', feast upon produce in season...
© 2013 KM Fikes
© 2013 h2omeloncholy@blogspot.com
use and/or duplication of this material without express and written
permission from KM Fikes is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may
be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KM Fikes &
h2omeloncholy@blogspot.com with appropriate and specific direction to
the original content. No excerpt or link may be used for monetary